Presentations & Panels
#invited speaker *peer-reviewed
*Torres, D., & Van Sluytman, L. G., (October-November 2015). Reintegration and recovery: Rebuilding the lives of the formerly incarcerated through community. Paper at the 4th World Congress of the World Association of Cultural Psychiatry: Global Challenges & Cultural Psychiatry, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco: Mexico.
*Torres, D. & Van Sluytman, L. G. (October 2015). Community Organizing in Austere times, a Baltimore Story. Paper for oral presentation at the 2015 Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
*Torres, D., & Godfrey, P.C. (February 2015). Global Climate Change & Intersectionality: Praxis and the struggle for collective purpose and individual meaning through the Editorial Process. Presider of panel and paper for presentation: Crossing Borders 2014 Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, NY, NY.
*Godfrey, P.C., Samuels, D. & Torres, D. (September 2014). Climate Change and Intersectionality: Engaging with complexities. NYC Climate Convergence. New York, NY.
*Torres, D., & Godfrey, P.C. (June 2014). Cocinando con Comunidad: A cooperative kitchen as an agent of transformation. Paper for presentation at the 2014 Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS) Conference, New York, NY.
*Van Sluytman, L. G. & Torres, D. (May 2014). Dead Men Walking: Incarceration and representations of economic, political, and social dispossession in Baltimore, Maryland. Paper for presentation at 5th Global Conference: Experiencing Prison, Lisbon, Portugal.
*Torres, D. (March 2014). Disasters, disabilities, and dislocations: Interrogating ideologies in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy. Paper for presentation at the 2014 Race, Gender, Class Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
*Torres, D. (February 2014). Laboring in the Shadows: Offenders and cultural capital in depleted communities. Paper for presentation at the Invisible Work: 2014 Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, Baltimore, MD.
*Torres, D. & Van Sluytman, L. G. (February 2014). Hidden Or Uninvited? Creating a critical consciousness of LGBTQ People of Color in gerontological research and practice. Poster for presentation at the 17th Annual American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
*Torres, D. & Nerio, R.J. (March 2013). From disability ghettoes to sustainable, livable communities. Paper for presentation at Sustainable Communities/ Sustainable Lives: Social Change, Social Action, & Social Justice Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, Boston, MA.
*Nerio, R.J. & Torres, D. (March 2013). Spirituality and Pedagogy in the Social Sciences: 21st Century Prospects. Paper for presentation at the 3rd Global Conference: Spirituality in the 21st Century at the Interface of Theory, Praxis & Pedagogy, Lisbon, Portugal.
*Torres, D. & Nerio, R.J. (May 2013). Landscapes of defense: Recovery communities as a counterforce to health and housing inequities in the US. Paper for presentation, 7th Annual International Conference on Sociology, Athens, Greece.
#Torres, D. (January 2013). Learning circles: Professional Development. NYC Administration for Children's Services James Satterwhite Academy Professional Development Program and NYC Social Work Education Consortium.
#Torres, D. & Acevedo, M. (October, 2012). Empowering LGBTQ youth advocates-a service-learning experience. Paper for presentation at the Annual New York State Social Work Education Association Conference, From Settlement Houses to Safe Houses: Empowerment, the Heart of Social Work, Saratoga Springs, NY.
#Torres, D. (December 2012). Learning circles: Self-care. NYC Administration for Children's Services James Satterwhite Academy Professional Development Program and NYC Social Work Education Consortium.
#Torres, D., Castro, M., Pou, C. & Howard, A. (June 2012). Cooperative learning groups for professional development and professional identity of MSW interns in child welfare. Paper for oral presentation, The 34th Annual Symposium of Social Work with Groups: Passion for Group Work, Long Island, NY.
*Torres, D. (October 2009). Creating and sustaining homes: Getting back to basics in a rapid re- housing environment. Community Health Care Association of NY State Clinical Forum & Statewide Conference: Integrating community health across populations, Rye, NY.
#Torres, D. (April 2009). Supervision: Focus on Peer Counseling. Office of Behavioral Health Consumer Affairs, Health & Hospitals Corporation, NY, NY.
#Mizrahi, T. & Torres, D. (2008). Celebrating our Past, Directing our Future Honoring Homeless Health Care S/Hero's. National Health Care for the Homeless Day in NY, NY.
*Torres, D. & Berman, D. (November 2006). Advocating for access: A study of the Providers for Health Care for the Homeless. Abstract for poster presentation, 134th Annual Meeting American Public Health Association, Public Health and Human Rights, Boston, MA.
#Torres, D. (2006). An evaluation of ACS's Neighborhood Networks. Report to Commissioner Mattingly & Administration for Children Services, NY, NY.
#Torres, D. (October 2006). Homeless healthcare in New York City: Adaptive responses to a changing consumer and policy landscape. Abstract for poster presentation, 5th Annual International Conference on Urban Health, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Torres, D. & Watts, B. (December 2005). Evidence-based practice: Social work practice in a public health environment. Abstract for oral presentation, 133rd Annual Meeting American Public Health Association, Evidence-Based Policy & Practice, Philadelphia, PA.
Torres, D. & Apicello, J. (2005). HIV & Partner Counseling and Referral Services (PCRS) in homeless clients. National Health Care for the Homeless Conference, Washington, DC.
#Torres, D. (2005). Organizing mental health services for homeless youth. Annual Symposium of The Children's Health Fund Quality Health Care for Homeless Youth: Examining Barriers to Care, NY, NY.
Torres, D. (2005). Managing for competence: Promoting social justice and reducing barriers in HIV/AIDS services. Interfaith Medical Center Primary Care & BSCHCCRP Annual Technical Assistance Conference, Brooklyn, NY.
*Torres, D. & Watts, G.R. (November 2004). Improving service quality and staff satisfaction through quantitative performance standards. Abstract for oral presentation, American Public Health Association 132nd Annual Meeting, Public Health and the Environment, Washington, DC.
*Watts, G.R., Barrow, D. & Torres, D. (2004). Serving homeless people with Ryan White funds. Abstract for oral presentation, Ryan White CARE Act Grantee Conference, Washington, DC.
#Torres, D. (2004). When getting there is the battle: Keeping clients connected to services. New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene Public Health Library Capacity Building Workshop, NY, NY.
#Torres, D. (2004). Engaging homeless persons in Intensive Case Management (ICM). Community Health Care Association of New York State (CHCANYS) Annual Conference and Training Academy, Saratoga Springs, NY.
Torres, D. (2000, April). Beyond double trouble: Mental health, substance abuse & HIV infection. Association for Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT).
Torres, D. (2000, February). Service documentation: Charting a client's journey. Association for Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT).
Torres, D. (1999). Y2CM: Case management in the millennium: It's a family affair. New York State Department of Health & AIDS Institute, NY.
Dissemination of Findings/Evaluation Reports
Torres, D. and Howard, A. (February 2014). Best Case Practice Guidelines in Residential Care. New York City Administration for Children's Services.
Torres, D. and the Council on Child Wellness (May 2011). NYC Project LAUNCH: Environmental Scan. New York: Fund for Public Health in New York and the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
Torres, D. (June 2009). Supervision Manual: Focus on Paraprofessionals. New York: New York Health& Hospitals Corporation: Bellevue Hospital Center.
Torres, D. & the Shadow Count Team (February 2009). SHADOW COUNT 2009: Results from the HOPE Count enumeration of New York City's unsheltered homeless. New York: Hunter College School of Social Work.
Mizrahi, T. & Torres, D. (September 2008). The NYC Coalition of Providers of Health Care for the Homeless: An Assessment of its History and Directions for the Future. New York: Hunter College School of Social Work.
Mizrahi, T. & Torres, D. (May 2008). The NYC Coalition of Providers of Health Care for the Homeless: An analysis of PHCH Relationship with Community Health Care Association of New York State. New York: Hunter College School of Social Work.
Mizrahi, T. & Torres, D. (February 2006). A study of two neighborhood networks of the Administration for Children's Services: Central Harlem and Brownsville-East New York. New York: New York City Administration for Children's Services